On June 5, "World Environment Day" we will spend the day in the quarry of "La Chanta" in the municipality of Corpa, trying to advance its ecological restoration and helping to conserve all the biodiversity that it already houses this newly restored space. Among the activities that we will carry out, are the following:
We will try to locate and clean up all the garbage that is still on the quarry.
We will also locate the exotic plants that still exists and proceed to eliminate it.
We will collect seeds of native plants that will later be used in planting in the quarry itself.
We will improve the ponds made for amphibians.
We will make wooden nests for wild bees that we will place in pollinator promotion areas.
All activities will be carried out in the open air and we will comply with the protection protocols for COVID 19.
We are waiting for all of you to show you this magnificent space and to spend a day working for ecological restoration and biodiversity.
Primary Activity: Other
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible
Family Friendly
Organizer Details

Organizer: BRINZAL (Website)
COVID Protocols
All activities will be carried out in the open air and we will comply with the protection protocols for COVID 19. Protocols: -A correct hygiene of the hands frequently, antiseptic soap if they are dirty and later, or if they are already clean, with hydroalcoholic solutions for 60 seconds. -Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters with anyone. -Cover the mouth and nose with tissues or the inside of the elbow when coughing or sneeze and wash your hands right away. Tissues will be disposed of in suitable containers foot operated. -Do not remove the mask to cough or sneeze. -Avoid sharing food or utensils (cutlery, glasses, cloths, napkins ...) and other objects of work (mobile, telephone, PC, pen ...). If sharing is necessary, you must clean properly objects, as well as hands before and after use. -Whenever possible, cleaning should be carried out with an alcohol solution greater than 60% or with chlorine solution containing at least 1,000 ppm chlorine (1:50 dilution in a concentration of bleach 50 gr / Liter). These viruses are inactivated after 5 minutes of contact with disinfectants used by the general public. -Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, as your hands facilitate the transmission of the virus. -Before entering the event we must take the temperature and, if it is equal to or greater than 37.5C stay at home and notify . -Avoid traveling by public transport during rush hours. -Avoid regular physical contact to say hello (shaking hands, kissing ...). In case of transport of users with company vehicles or shared use of the vehicle, should be taken -Hygienic precautions and ventilation of the vehicle (cleaning of handles and windows with frequency and lowered vents).
Registration & Contact Info
Registration: lachanta@brinzal.org
Name: Raquel Sanchez Torres
Email: raquelsanchez@brinzal.org
City: Madrid
Country: Spain
Date & Time
June 5, 2021 @ 10:00 am
Local timezone
Location: https://www.google.es/maps/place/La+Chanta/@40.4089787,-3.2700347,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd4245f39e388403:0x374affd51e2a058e!8m2!3d40.4089787!4d-3.267846City: Madrid
Country: Spain
Region: Europe